[Translate to Polish / Polnisch:] ARGO-HYTOS awarded by Allianz Industry 4.0 as one of 16 Baden-Württemberg flagship projects for the production of the future
[Translate to Polish / Polnisch:] State Secretary of Economics Katrin Schütz honored the current winners of the competition “100 Locations for Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg” on May 22, 2017. All in all, sixteen companies and institutions were honored, that have successfully implemented Industry 4.0 in their day-to-day operations.
“Industry, SMEs and startups in Baden-Württemberg are leaders in the implementation of Industry 4.0, as the solutions awarded today impressively show. With the award we want to make tangible solutions from the country creating added value even better known. In particular, we want to motivate small and medium-sized companies to actively address the real opportunities offered by Industry 4.0“said Schütz at the award ceremony in the New Palace in Stuttgart.
With the competition, the "Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg" is looking for innovative concepts from the economy, which are successful with the intelligent networking of production and value-added processes. In addition to the degree of innovation, the expert jury also assesses the concrete practical relevance for Industry 4.0. The award-winning projects covered a wide range of industries and technologies, demonstrating that "Industry 4.0 is not just about specific industries such as engineering or automotive, but overall industrial value creation," said State Secretary Schütz.
The winning companies and organizations:
- Arburg GmbH + Co. KG, Loßburg
- ARGO-HYTOS GmbH, Kraichtal
- ASANUS Medizintechnik GmbH, Neuhausen ob Eck
- aucobo GmbH, Walldorf
- Carl Zeiss 3D Automation GmbH, Aalen
- CHT R. Beitlich GmbH, Tübingen
- Dürr Dental AG, Bietigheim-Bissingen
- era contact GmbH, Bretten
- ESTA Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG, Ulm
- Hochschule Karlsruhe, Abteilung für Wissens- und Technologietransfer (WTT) am Institute for Materials Processing (IMP), Karlsruhe
- KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Achern
- krumedia GmbH, Karlsruhe
- nemetris GmbH, Bisingen
- Schneider Schreibgeräte GmbH, Schramberg
- Schuler AG, Göppingen
- Winterhalter Gastronom GmbH, Meckenbeuren
The award „100 Locations for Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg“
In total, 84 companies, institutes and other organizations have received awards in five awards rounds so far. In the course of 2017, the number 100 is to be achieved. The award-winning companies receive a certificate of honor and a glass plaque that can be affixed to the company's location. In addition, the winners will be presented on the website of the "Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg". The networking initiative "Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg" aims to bundle competencies in production technology and information and communication technology, to network all key stakeholders and to support industrial SMEs in the direction of Industry 4.0 through innovative transfer offers.
The spokesman of "Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg" is Dr. med. Manfred Wittenstein (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Wittenstein AG). The coordination office is located at the VDMA-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg. The partners of the alliance - companies, chambers, associations, unions, universities and research institutions as well as social partners - are aiming to establish Baden-Württemberg as the world-leading region for Industry 4.0 technologies. Small and medium-sized companies play a crucial role in this and should benefit from the alliance.