Tiny Unit With Great Opportunities - Compact Filter Pack CFP 03

Compact filter pack (CFP 03)

Figure 3: Filling of the small power pack with the use of CFP – one of the possible ways of use of the aggregate

Figure 4: Suction-return set

Figure 5: Off-line filtration in small hydraulic power pack with CFP, connected to the tank via suction-return set

Figure 6: Installation of the suction-return set in a plastic tank

Figure 7: Securing of the end of the hydraulic hose with a plug
Most failures in oil systems (up to 80%) are related to oil contamination. This problem applies to big industrial applications (tanks volumes between several hundred and several thousand liters), mobile machines as well as systems powered by small hydraulic power packs. Effective off-line filtration - constantly or temporarily during filling and cyclic service inspections - significantly improves oil purity, minimizes operating costs and extends machine lifetime. The ARGO-HYTOS portfolio of Fluid Management (FMA) products is well-suited for servicing systems with relatively large oil tanks of 60 to 5000 l capacity. But what if we fill a small-sized reservoir or its installation position makes it difficult to access larger service Units?
The CFP 03 is a completely new, portable filter device for off-line filtration.
Main characteristics:
- Light weight (9 kg)
- Compact size (LxWxH 275x270x265mm)
- Part of the FMA family
- Ergonomic design
- Easy to handle
- Direct connected pump and motor unit
- Durable filter with optical clogging indicator
It is worth to emphasize that the CFP is not only a device for filling machines with oil. It is primarily a service unit for off-line filtration. This type of filtration seems obvious in systems with an easy access to the tank, where installation of two independent hoses (suction and pressure) is not a problem. The real challenges are small systems where oil is poured through one small available port. What about off-line filtration in such systems? The CFP 03 works perfectly in such applications thanks to the innovative suction-return set (Figure 4), which complements the unit.
Exclusive solution for maintenance of small units:
The problem of oil cleanliness is not only related to large devices. The question is how to optimize the service of smaller devices such as compact power packs, for example the SMA 05 family. Unfortunately, these types of systems are very often filled in the wrong way, without the use of professional equipment. As a result, oil poured into the tank does not meet the basic purity requirements. Even new oil’s cleanliness class is worse than recommended by manufacturers of hydraulic components. Filling of a system with such media results in faster component wear and frequent failures. In case of small tanks (volume up to several dozen liters), filling and off-line filtration with standard service units often are not possible. Even a relatively small nominal flow of 8 or 16 l/min is too big and leads to undesired oil spillage because of too fast filling. Moreover, most compact power packs have limited possibilities for connecting external hydraulic hoses. Usually there is only one available port in the oil tank (after removing the ventilating filter) which is too small for parallel installation of a suction and return hose. Without the possibility of oil sucking and then pumping it via a separate hose, off-line filtration cannot be performed. The compact filter pack CFP 03 solves these problems! Its nominal flow of 3 l/min provides trouble-free filling of small machines. With such a small flow, the risk of spilling or overflowing is minimal. Even in the case of a tank with a capacity of several liters, oil can be filled in a controlled manner. The example of such use is shown in Figure 3.
This set consists of an aluminum body, suction and pressure tube and a quick couplings kit. Additionally it is equipped with a small ventilating filter which provides air exchange between environment and tank inside. Thanks to the magnet attached to the body, the installation of the set in the steel tank is extremely easy and fast. In the first step, the original ventilating filter has to be removed from the tank. Then the suction-return set can be placed in the released port and rotated to any desired angle. The strength of the magnet provides a tight and reliable connection. After the connection of the suction and pressure hose, the entire installation is ready for off-line filtration. The example of such use is shown in Figure 5.
The same set can also be used in power packs with plastic tanks. This is possible thanks to an additional adapter made of steel. The adapter screwed into the air filter port is the base for inserting the suction-return set. The installation is shown in Figure 6.
Ideal service equipment:
The compact size makes the CFP 03 suitable for use in installations where other units do not work. This refers to systems with difficult access to the oil tank, where the connection of a bigger service unit is not possible.
Thanks to its small weight, the CFP 03 is ideal for work at heights. It is also a very useful device for maintenance services. When several machines need to be cleaned, the transport of this super light aggregate is not a problem. Thanks to handy plugs, the hoses of the unit can be secured during transport. This helps to avoid unwanted oil leakages. The free ends of the hoses can be plugged immediately after being removed from the tank – Figure 7. This avoids dripping oil and getting the machine dirty.
CFP 03 is just the beginning!
The current version of the CFP 03 does not cover all ARGO-HYTOS ideas for additional configurations of this product. The CFP’s function of oil dosing seems to be an interesting development option. This is a very useful feature especially in car repair shops. The CFP with particle counter, in turn, could be a complement to the larger family of UMPC 045 and FAPC 016 units. This would be an interesting proposition especially to service companies. Also a version with a 12 or 24 VDC motor appears to be attractive. Such a configuration can be used for example in mobile machines.
As usual with the products manufactured at ARGO-HYTOS, it is possible to customize the basic version: change the length of the suction and pressure hose, the length of the power cable, the standard of the electric plug, the colour of the frame etc. These and other ideas will be implemented successively in response to the needs of our customers.