Application News
MHPS - Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension in a Self-Propelled Sprayer
The best way to demonstrate the advantages of the modular concept is by using the example of the wheel suspension of a self-propelled sprayer with a production quantity of 15 - 20 machines per year:
Due to the ever-growing demand on comfort and safety, chassis suspensions (the so-called wheel suspension) at self-propelled sprayers belong for quite some time to the delivery spectrum of the major manufacturers.
In order to remain in business, a small manufacturer has to make large investigations in development times and costs as well as in building up relevant know-how, to come up with an all-wheel-suspension machine. By working together with our application specialists and through the use of complete MHPS modules, expenditure for development times and for building up know-how can significantly be reduced.
Together with the customer, the application team of ARGO-HYTOS prepared an analysis of the current state. On this basis, it was discussed, how to attain improvements, both on economic and technical side.
The machine data such as weight of the machine, loading conditions, speed, etc. were the basis for the calculation of the new system.
The design of cylinder sizes, pre-charging of the diaphragm accumulators or cable diameters was made by ARGO-HYTOS, based on these parameters.
Based on the layout, the software has been configured and loaded into the control electronics, the control blocks and other accessories have been compiled. A first functional test was carried out at ARGO-HYTOS, at the load test rig belonging to the company.
Before the system has ever been installed, all basic settings and functions were tested and checked.
In the next step, the system was installed at the customer‘s premises and jointly taken into operation. Constantly present: the engineers of ARGO-HYTOS. Therefore fine tuning such as changing of the valve settings or adapting the software to customer requests constituted no problems and could quickly and easily be implemented. After final tests and measurements, the final set-up has been established and the series production could begin. If special machines should be built over the series, additional modules can be flange-mounted to or omitted from the existing solution, guaranteeing the highest flexibility even in series production.
“Only as many valves as the function requires“
In drawn and self-propelled sprayers, many movements and functions are implemented hydraulically. Some of the key operating functions in an open circuit are:
- Chassis suspension and height control
- Track width adjustment
- Boom height control and tilt
- Folding in and out the booms
- Pump control
- Fan drive
Components and control blocks for the implementation of functions can be found in the portfolio of ARGO-HYTOS. Different designs and nominal sizes can be combined to control blocks and multi-flanges in almost any shape. According to the motto “only as many valves as the function requires“ARGO-HYTOS combines in its control blocks valves of different valve kits for technical and economical optimized system blocks. Flanged valves (ISO 4401) and directional control valves are used as well as screw-in valves. All valves are designed and manufactured in-house.