[Translate to French / Französisch:] Portable Filter Unit for gear oils of high viscosity

[Translate to French / Französisch:] FA 003-2341 – Oil Service up to 5.000 mm²/s

[Translate to French / Französisch:] FA 003-2341 – Oil Service up to 5.000 mm²/s

Gears and their oils are extremely stressed due to the increasing power density. Therefore solid particle contamination might lead to a fast wear of the components or to an early oil aging because of catalytic active particles.

It is thus essential to achieve and maintain the cleanliness classes required by the gear manufacturer.

In high performance gears, oils of relatively high viscosity classes are used – beginning at ISO VG 150 up to ISO VG 460. In most gear oil applications the viscosities remain even at operating temperature clearly above those of conventional oil service units.

With the FA 003-2341 ARGO-HYTOS allows the user to clean gear oils even at low temperatures. The pump delivers about 3 l/min over a complete viscosity range from 15 up to 5.000 mm²/s.  The FA 003-2341 is delivered ready for connection, i.e. including filter element, clogging indicator, hoses and electric cable – what means “plug and play”.

The hoses can simply and fast be connected or disconnected thanks to the patented fast locking system of ARGO-HYTOS.

With the FA 003-2341 ARGO-HYTOS sets a standard regarding technology, handling and reliability.

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