[Translate to French / Französisch:] Display and Memory Unit for Oil Condition Sensor Technology

[Translate to French / Französisch:] Display and Memory Unit for Oil Condition Sensor

[Translate to French / Französisch:] ARGO-HYTOS offers a wide range of compatible sensors for monitoring of hydraulic and lubricating fluids. These are amongst others particle monitors and temperature, humidity and oil aging sensors. Often several sensors with different parameters are used to monitor the oil condition of a system. In this case the measured data must be processed, merged in an application and be evaluated. The display and memory unit LubMon Visu exactly takes over these tasks from the user.

The LubMon Visu automatically recognizes connected sensors and starts the sensor data processing and begins at the same time, if desired by the user, to store the measured values. Alarm states, indicated by intelligent sensors as e.g. by the LubCos H2O+ II, can be directly read in plain text with timestamp by means of the integrated graphical display and are signalled to the user by three alarm-LEDs.

Also analogous sensors can be calibrated in the LubMon Visu to the respective measuring size and be provided with an alarm threshold. The user furthermore obtains directly on the initial screen of the device a quick overview about the most important currently measured parameters of the hydraulic and lubricating fluid. Here the temperature and humidity as well as the ISO oil cleanliness class are directly shown. Connection of the LubMonVisu to a processor or to a SPS control is easily possible thanks to the integrated USB and Ethernet interface (optionally).

Thus the LubMon Visu  helps to simplify considerably the connection of oil condition sensors as well as the intermediate storage of the data for the user.

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